Exclusive | Shame campaign: NYC landlord posts signs calling out tenant he claims stiffed himQueens landlord publicly shames tenant for non-payment of rent, displaying massive signs on the property.
L.A. temporarily bans evictions for renovationsThe L.A. City Council temporarily blocks eviction for substantial remodels to protect renters.
My Secret Landlord and MeLand-ownership structure in NYC often obscures accountability, shielding landlords from consequences while tenants face ongoing issues.
How Do You Know if Your Apartment Is (or Should Be) Rent-Stabilized?Tenants in rent-stabilized apartments should confirm their rent status with the state, as the sale of the property doesn't affect this status.
How Alameda County supervisors could overhaul rental protections this yearThe Board of Supervisors plans to improve tenant protections for renters in unincorporated Alameda County, addressing long-standing issues of uninhabitable living conditions.
It's our house, but it's their home': tenants and landlords discuss renters' rights billNo-fault evictions create significant emotional distress and a power imbalance between landlords and tenants.
This Person's Landlord Put A Trump Sign In Front Of Their Rental And Won't Take It DownNavigating political expression within shared living spaces can lead to discomfort and conflict.Renters may have limited control over property-related expressions of personal beliefs.
L.A. temporarily bans evictions for renovationsThe L.A. City Council temporarily blocks eviction for substantial remodels to protect renters.
My Secret Landlord and MeLand-ownership structure in NYC often obscures accountability, shielding landlords from consequences while tenants face ongoing issues.
How Do You Know if Your Apartment Is (or Should Be) Rent-Stabilized?Tenants in rent-stabilized apartments should confirm their rent status with the state, as the sale of the property doesn't affect this status.
How Alameda County supervisors could overhaul rental protections this yearThe Board of Supervisors plans to improve tenant protections for renters in unincorporated Alameda County, addressing long-standing issues of uninhabitable living conditions.
It's our house, but it's their home': tenants and landlords discuss renters' rights billNo-fault evictions create significant emotional distress and a power imbalance between landlords and tenants.
This Person's Landlord Put A Trump Sign In Front Of Their Rental And Won't Take It DownNavigating political expression within shared living spaces can lead to discomfort and conflict.Renters may have limited control over property-related expressions of personal beliefs.
Your Landlord Can Force Mandatory ISP Service On You, FCC's New Chair SaysFCC Chair Brendan Carr's decision allows landlords to require tenants to accept bulk internet service deals, challenging consumer choice.
San Jose 'responsible landlord' initiative could return - San Jose SpotlightResidents push to revive the Responsible Landlord Engagement Initiative (RLEI) due to its significant impact on community safety and engagement.
Bromley woman can't return to home she spent 20,000 refurbishingA woman claims her landlord ordered her to leave her refurbished home due to safety risks, despite her extensive investments in the property.
Big Changes to Residential Housing Laws in California: SB567 and AB12California's Tenant Protection Act has been revised to enhance tenant protections, highlighting a shift towards balancing landlord-tenant relationships.The changes include stronger eviction protections and increased damages for violations, effective from April 1, 2024.
Alameda County Landlords, Be Prepared for May 2023The Alameda County Eviction Moratorium is set to expire, allowing landlords to pursue evictions after years of financial hardship.
Big Changes to Residential Housing Laws in California: SB567 and AB12California's Tenant Protection Act has been revised to enhance tenant protections, highlighting a shift towards balancing landlord-tenant relationships.The changes include stronger eviction protections and increased damages for violations, effective from April 1, 2024.
Alameda County Landlords, Be Prepared for May 2023The Alameda County Eviction Moratorium is set to expire, allowing landlords to pursue evictions after years of financial hardship.
Judge dismisses pandemic eviction ban cases against Alameda County, OaklandEviction bans in Alameda County and Oakland deemed constitutional by federal judge, allowing landlords an option to refile for compensation on losses.
What Does a Property Manager Do? What to Know About Hiring a Rental Property ManagerProperty managers relieve landlords from daily tasks while ensuring compliance with laws and optimizing property management.
Greens demand rent controls in London as mayoral race enters final daysThe Government and Labour leader oppose rent controls. The Greens propose freezing private rents for two years and involving landlords in the process to prevent the market from collapsing.