Are California real estate markets warped by sober homes paying top dollar?Nathan Young's rehab business struggles with paying high rent, leading to eviction notices and significant financial losses for landlords.
4 years, $60k in arrears:A portrait of housing court delays at their worstThe prolonged eviction process in New York highlights the legal challenges landlords face during and after the pandemic.
They sued for their NYC apartment's security deposit. The landlord still hasn't returned it.Tenants face significant challenges in recovering security deposits, leading many to drop their claims.
4 years, $60k in arrears:A portrait of housing court delays at their worstThe prolonged eviction process in New York highlights the legal challenges landlords face during and after the pandemic.
They sued for their NYC apartment's security deposit. The landlord still hasn't returned it.Tenants face significant challenges in recovering security deposits, leading many to drop their claims.
He Won't Leave His Home. The Landlord Is Renovating Around Him.Eric Abrams is the last holdout tenant in a New York SRO, battling with his landlord amid a challenging renovation.
S.F. approves serial evictor's new bar in former Uptown spaceThe San Francisco planning commission approved a controversial bar proposal despite mixed community sentiment and ongoing debates about the landlord's past practices.