Some Tenants Could Get Only One Day's Eviction Notice, Under Federal BillFederal legislation could permit landlords to give just three days' notice to tenants before eviction, rolling back pandemic-era protections.
Exclusive | DA Bragg drops case against Chinatown landlord who beat homeless man after the vagrant attacked himDA Alvin Bragg dropped assault charges against landlord Brian Chin after he was attacked, leaving Chin angry over the ordeal and questioning the original case.
California voters limit rent control with defeat of Prop. 33California voters firmly opposed the repeal of the Costa-Hawkins Act by rejecting Prop. 33, reinforcing protections for landlords against local rent control.
Judge throws out landlord lawsuit against Oakland and Alameda County eviction bansFederal judge upholds COVID-19 eviction bans as legal, prioritizing housing stability during the pandemic over landlords' claims of property rights infringement.