Tenant at Sheepshead Bay Apartment Demands Repairs From Landlord Facing Over 200 ViolationsLong-term tenant faces indifferent landlord after bedroom ceiling collapse.
Sunset Park tenants rally against alleged slumlord,' demand urgent repairs and better living conditions | amNewYorkTenants rally against neglect and seek improved living conditions from landlord Shea Sigal.
Tenant at Sheepshead Bay Apartment Demands Repairs From Landlord Facing Over 200 ViolationsLong-term tenant faces indifferent landlord after bedroom ceiling collapse.
Sunset Park tenants rally against alleged slumlord,' demand urgent repairs and better living conditions | amNewYorkTenants rally against neglect and seek improved living conditions from landlord Shea Sigal.
Tenants Fed Up With Lack of Heat, Other Violations in 3 Sunset Park BuildingsTenants in Sunset Park have been left without heat for weeks, prompting a rally for city action against their neglectful landlord.
Landlord of fire-ravaged Bronx building has history of neglect, once topped NYC worst landlord list - Bronx TimesThe landlord's neglect has raised serious safety concerns, especially after the recent fire.