Prospect Lefferts Gardens tenants living without gas for a year accuse landlord of neglect, urge city to take control of building * Brooklyn PaperTenants at a Brooklyn apartment are protesting years of neglect and poor conditions by their landlord, prompting an investigation by the state Attorney General.
LA City Council puts teeth in law against tenant harassmentLos Angeles is strengthening tenant protections against landlord harassment amidst rising housing costs and tenant complaints.
In L.A., 13,000 complaints of tenant harassment led to four fines. Advocates call for stronger lawsLos Angeles' Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance has not effectively curbed landlord harassment, prompting demands for stronger legal protections for tenants.
LA considers beefing up law against tenant harassmentDespite the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance, harassment complaints in Los Angeles continue, indicating that the law lacks enforcement and effectiveness.
Lewisham landlord with hammer' harassed tenants who wouldn't pay rent increaseLandlord convicted of harassment for unlawful rent increase demands, highlighting tenant rights and landlord accountability.
Prospect Lefferts Gardens tenants living without gas for a year accuse landlord of neglect, urge city to take control of building * Brooklyn PaperTenants at a Brooklyn apartment are protesting years of neglect and poor conditions by their landlord, prompting an investigation by the state Attorney General.
LA City Council puts teeth in law against tenant harassmentLos Angeles is strengthening tenant protections against landlord harassment amidst rising housing costs and tenant complaints.
In L.A., 13,000 complaints of tenant harassment led to four fines. Advocates call for stronger lawsLos Angeles' Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance has not effectively curbed landlord harassment, prompting demands for stronger legal protections for tenants.
LA considers beefing up law against tenant harassmentDespite the Tenant Anti-Harassment Ordinance, harassment complaints in Los Angeles continue, indicating that the law lacks enforcement and effectiveness.
Lewisham landlord with hammer' harassed tenants who wouldn't pay rent increaseLandlord convicted of harassment for unlawful rent increase demands, highlighting tenant rights and landlord accountability.