Beloved London cinema at risk of closing amid battle with landlordThe Prince Charles Cinema is at risk of closure due to lease renewal conflicts with landlord Criterion Capital.
Popular Indian restaurant in Plumstead closes over dispute with landlord'Five Rivers Bar Grill & Restaurant in Plumstead has closed due to landlord disputes over building safety and integrity, with support from local council.
Ottawa man clashes with landlord over right to charge his EV | CBC NewsTenants may face challenges charging electric vehicles at rental properties, impacting the transition to sustainable transport.
31-year-old SF sports bar permanently closes following evictionBlackthorn sports bar closed after a legal battle with its landlord despite a prior agreement.
'Thank you Romford for all of your support': Town centre cinema closes after 12 yearsPremiere Cinemas has permanently closed in Romford following repossession by its landlord after 12 years of operation.