Concord City Council votes to loosen rent control restrictions after heated meetingConcord City Council voted to raise the rent cap from 3% to 5%, amidst heated discussions between tenants and property owners.
Landlords warn they could raise rents over renters' rights billThe Labour's Renters' Rights Bill aims to give tenants more power, but may lead to rent increases in city areas according to landlords.
MPs back one-month cap on advance rent paymentsThe UK government aims to protect tenants by capping advanced rent payments, preventing landlords from demanding excessive upfront costs.
Landlords warn they could raise rents over renters' rights billThe Labour's Renters' Rights Bill aims to give tenants more power, but may lead to rent increases in city areas according to landlords.
MPs back one-month cap on advance rent paymentsThe UK government aims to protect tenants by capping advanced rent payments, preventing landlords from demanding excessive upfront costs.
Landlords warn they may raise rents in response to Labour's renters' rights billLandlords warn of potential rent hikes in response to flexible tenancies and other proposed reforms.
LA County Wants to Cap Rent Hikes at 3%Landlords in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County may face new rent caps, with different percentage limits based on property type.