London room for rent where you can't come home before 8:30pm - for 1,350 a monthLandlords are facing scrutiny for high rental prices and strict living conditions.The importance of clear communication in rental agreements cannot be overstated.
I Always Dreamed of Owning Property, But These 9 Factors Convinced Me Not To Be a LandlordBeing a landlord is not as passive or profitable as it seems; it involves significant work and hidden costs.
London room for rent where you can't come home before 8:30pm - for 1,350 a monthLandlords are facing scrutiny for high rental prices and strict living conditions.The importance of clear communication in rental agreements cannot be overstated.
I Always Dreamed of Owning Property, But These 9 Factors Convinced Me Not To Be a LandlordBeing a landlord is not as passive or profitable as it seems; it involves significant work and hidden costs.
Tenants locked in kitchen while rogue landlord Marc Godart's 'agents' evicted them pursue his company for 55,000Landlord Marc Godart's firm has been ordered to pay €55,000 damages to tenants after agents unlawfully locked them in during property removal.
Landlord who tried to evict woman (92) claims she's 'a diddery aul wan' who should be in nursing homeA landlord expressed no remorse for trying to evict a 92-year-old tenant, indicating a profit motive over compassion.
How to kick someone out of your house - including family membersEvicting a family member can be complicated due to varying state laws on tenant classification.
Whitney's in Harvard Square forced to close after 71 years in businessWhitney's bar is closing after over 70 years, with conflicting reasons for eviction: noise issues vs. unpaid rent. Owner disputes landlord's claims.
Tenants locked in kitchen while rogue landlord Marc Godart's 'agents' evicted them pursue his company for 55,000Landlord Marc Godart's firm has been ordered to pay €55,000 damages to tenants after agents unlawfully locked them in during property removal.
Landlord who tried to evict woman (92) claims she's 'a diddery aul wan' who should be in nursing homeA landlord expressed no remorse for trying to evict a 92-year-old tenant, indicating a profit motive over compassion.
How to kick someone out of your house - including family membersEvicting a family member can be complicated due to varying state laws on tenant classification.
Whitney's in Harvard Square forced to close after 71 years in businessWhitney's bar is closing after over 70 years, with conflicting reasons for eviction: noise issues vs. unpaid rent. Owner disputes landlord's claims.
The landlord and the LA fires: how my friend's loss revealed a new hierarchy of who gets helpRelationships and experiences matter more than material conditions.Living in a ramshackle cabin can offer community and warmth despite its shortcomings.
Exclusive | Landlord raises stink over $1K fine for foul odor resembling 'animal waste' in NYC building: 'It's a fart complaint!'The landlord disputes a $1,000 fine for alleged foul odors in his building, claiming it's merely a 'fart complaint.'
Wembley landlord fined nearly 50,000 for housing eight people in five-person house of horrors'Rogue landlord fined nearly £50,000 for housing violations, overcrowding, and poor living conditions in a regulated property.
Landlord fined 50k over 'overcrowded house of horrors'A landlord was fined £50,000 for renting out an overcrowded and unsafe property in Wembley.
Wembley landlord fined nearly 50,000 for housing eight people in five-person house of horrors'Rogue landlord fined nearly £50,000 for housing violations, overcrowding, and poor living conditions in a regulated property.
Landlord fined 50k over 'overcrowded house of horrors'A landlord was fined £50,000 for renting out an overcrowded and unsafe property in Wembley.
Landlords rush to sell amid fears of capital gains tax hikeThe surge in former rental properties entering the sales market is influenced by landlord fears over potential capital gains tax increases.
What is a Credit Reference on a Rental Application?Including credit references in rental applications can enhance tenant worthiness and increase approval odds.
North London landlord fined 220,000 for illegally converting home into six flatsLandlord fined over 220,000 for illegal conversion of home into six flats in HaringeyHaringey Council taking strong action against disreputable landlords flouting planning laws