How hundreds of landowners successfully fought off tax to prevent hoarding of sitesThe Residential Zoned Land Tax aims to stimulate housing development in Ireland but faces significant resistance and legal challenges from property developers.
'People crying out for homes' - Green Party furious over plans to shelve tax on land hoardingThe Irish government plans to postpone a new tax on land to address housing shortages amid farmers' concerns.
How hundreds of landowners successfully fought off tax to prevent hoarding of sitesThe Residential Zoned Land Tax aims to stimulate housing development in Ireland but faces significant resistance and legal challenges from property developers.
'People crying out for homes' - Green Party furious over plans to shelve tax on land hoardingThe Irish government plans to postpone a new tax on land to address housing shortages amid farmers' concerns.
Radical land tax proposal gains traction with support from across the political spectrumA radical flat land tax proposal is uniting British politicians across parties, replacing outdated property tax systems to address economic inequalities.
New tax on land hoarders shelved ahead of Budget with plans for new scheme to exclude farmersThe deferral of the residential land tax by Finance Minister Jack Chambers aims to appease farmers while potentially benefiting land speculators.
Changes to Residential Zoned Land Tax 'not a climb down' says Roderic O'GormanThe Green Party insists on implementing land hoarding tax this year, opposing deferral affecting farmers who use their land.
New tax on land hoarders shelved ahead of Budget with plans for new scheme to exclude farmersThe deferral of the residential land tax by Finance Minister Jack Chambers aims to appease farmers while potentially benefiting land speculators.
Changes to Residential Zoned Land Tax 'not a climb down' says Roderic O'GormanThe Green Party insists on implementing land hoarding tax this year, opposing deferral affecting farmers who use their land.
'Like hiding food in a famine' - Green TD slams Fianna Fail plans to shelve tax on land hoardingThe Irish government is postponing a new tax aimed at tackling land speculation, crucial for addressing the housing crisis.