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LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Using AWS Lambda and CloudFront to optimize image handling - LogRocket Blog

Images are crucial in digital content; AWS Lambda and CloudFront offer efficient image handling for optimal performance and user experience. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Java 8 lambda Thread and Runnable syntax and examples

Java 8 introduced lambda syntax for Thread and Runnable
Lambda syntax simplifies Thread and Runnable creation in Java [ more ]
6 months ago

AWS Introduces Amazon Linux 2023 Runtime for Lambda

AWS introduces Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023) as a managed runtime and container base image for Lambda.
AL2023 has a smaller deployment footprint, updated libraries, and a new package manager compared to Amazon Linux 2 runtimes.
AL2023 will be used as the base for future Lambda runtime releases. [ more ]
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