Loom with a view: Lancashire's old cotton mills in picturesDaniel Meadows captured the essence of Lancashire's cotton mills before their demise, documenting workers' lives and practices critical to textile production.
ILR historian featured in 'game-changing' PBS series about Latinos | Cornell Chronicle'American Historia' prioritizes authentic Latinx narratives in U.S. history, transforming perspectives and engaging a broader community.
Loom with a view: Lancashire's old cotton mills in picturesDaniel Meadows captured the essence of Lancashire's cotton mills before their demise, documenting workers' lives and practices critical to textile production.
ILR historian featured in 'game-changing' PBS series about Latinos | Cornell Chronicle'American Historia' prioritizes authentic Latinx narratives in U.S. history, transforming perspectives and engaging a broader community.
Remembering Tamil victims of the 'death railway' 80 years on DW 02/13/2025The cremation of Tamil laborer remains symbolizes overdue recognition of forgotten victims of wartime exploitation in Thailand.
Mervyn Street's parents were paid in rocks instead of wages. He led a fight for his people and won $180mMervyn Street's upbringing and artistic journey reflect a deep connection to his cultural heritage and the struggles of his family in the cattle industry.
Americans are taught FDR was the hero of the Great Depression. For one historian, that's erasureThe 1937 strike by African American wet nurses highlights the fight for fair wages and the power of collective action against systemic inequality.
Story of Chinese laborers told through Kheel Center items | Cornell ChronicleThe exhibition highlights the struggles and cultural expressions of Chinese workers amid significant social changes.
A nationwide 30-hour workweek? It almost happened.The struggle for a shorter workweek has deep historical roots in America, reflecting ongoing shifts in labor expectations and worker rights.
Happy Labor Day! "The 'Worker's Holiday'Labor Day was established to honor workers' contributions during the Industrial Revolution and remains recognized today for its historical significance.
First Labor Day parade: Union Square protest was a 'crossroads' for NYC workersUnion Square has historical significance as the birthplace of Labor Day in the U.S., symbolizing the fight for workers' rights.
Happy Labor Day! "The 'Worker's Holiday'Labor Day was established to honor workers' contributions during the Industrial Revolution and remains recognized today for its historical significance.
First Labor Day parade: Union Square protest was a 'crossroads' for NYC workersUnion Square has historical significance as the birthplace of Labor Day in the U.S., symbolizing the fight for workers' rights.
Market Basket gives out bonuses in honor of the 10-year anniversary of strikesMarket Basket awarded bonuses to employees in recognition of their dedication and to commemorate the anniversary of the 2014 worker walkouts.
Care: The Highest Form of CapitalismNadasen challenges the contemporary care discourse to shift focus from white, middle-class families to those who provide and are denied care in the US.
4-day work week trials have been labelled a 'resounding success'. But 4 big questions need answersStruggles led to shorter work hours and more paid holidays in the pastPotential shift towards shorter work weeks for the same pay is gaining traction