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Sacramento Bee
4 months ago
Los Angeles

Los Angeles County district attorney seeks reelection in contest focused on feeling of public safety

Voters to decide on future of George Gascón as L.A. County District Attorney
Crime rates under scrutiny with varying trends [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago
Los Angeles

L.A. County D.A. to pay $5 million in civil rights case over bungled election conspiracy prosecution

The L.A. County district attorney's office will pay $5 million to settle a civil rights lawsuit brought by the head of a software company.
The case against Eugene Yu, the CEO of Konnech, fell apart after prosecutors admitted that the charges were based on the word of conspiracy theorists. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 week ago
SF politics

Billionaire developer Rick Caruso backs Gascon challenger Nathan Hochman for L.A. D.A.

Backing Nathan Hochman for L.A. County district attorney is crucial for shifting the region's trajectory and challenging the incumbent's reform policies. [ more ]
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