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3 days ago
Left-wing politics

RFK's voters know they're not electing the next president. They're with him anyway

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s presidential campaign is seen as an alternative choice for voters dissatisfied with the current political landscape. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

EU candidates to answer public questions on live debate

The European Broadcasting Union is organizing a live debate with five prominent candidates for the European Commission presidency to discuss key issues such as climate, migration, and security. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

New Poll: Trump Now Leading Biden in Swing States With or Without RFK Jr

Donald Trump leads in 6 of 7 key swing states over Joe Biden in head-to-head matchups and with additional independent candidates included.
The Wall Street Journal poll shows Trump leading Biden across various important issues, including the economy, inflation, and border security. [ more ]
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