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4 months ago

Palme d'Or winner 'Anatomy of Fall' earns Oscars revenge after French snub

France's film 'Anatomy of a Fall' received several Oscar nominations after being snubbed by the country's selection committee
The film, which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, was put in the running for five awards, including Best Picture [ more ]
4 months ago

Anatomy of a Fall rode a debatable mystery to the 2024 Oscars

Movies and TV shows often only generate online buzz for a short period of time after their release.
Anatomy of a Fall, a French drama film, managed to generate prolonged discussion and critical acclaim despite its limited theatrical release. [ more ]
5 months ago

Justine Triet's Anatomy of a Fall wins best film at European Film Awards

Justine Triet's Anatomy of a Fall dominated the European Film Awards, winning four out of five major awards.
Sandra Huller won Best Actress for her role in the film and is now a potential contender for an Academy Award nomination. [ more ]
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