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4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Confirmed: David Weiss Only Got a Gun Crime iCloud Warrant 81 Days after Indicting Hunter Biden - emptywheel

David Weiss' response to Hunter Biden's motion to dismiss seemed to rely on a warrant that post-dated the indictment.
The judge has ordered the parties to provide their positions on the request to unseal the dockets and warrants. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
New York City

Taylor Swift's NYC stalker in disbelief as he's finally behind bars - for now - after latest arrest outside her apartment

The Seattle law student who was stalking Taylor Swift violated a judge's order to stay away and was ordered to be held behind bars.
The student was caught on camera rummaging through a dumpster near Taylor Swift's home after being released on stalking and harassment charges. [ more ]
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