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10 months ago

7 Best JavaScript Timeago Plugins For Human-readable Datetime Format

This blog post covers 7 of the best open source jQuery plugins and JavaScript libraries for formatting date and time strings.These plugins (libraries) convert raw timestamps into auto-updating and human-readable format (e.g."30 minutes ago", "3 days ago") to provide users with relatable context about when events occurred or content was published.
1 year ago

10 Best Equal Height Plugins In jQuery & JavaScript (2023 Update)

The Problem
Grid Layout is the most popular layout system in today's web design.It helps developers organize and arrange web content in neat layout design.However, the problem is that the length of the content in each grid item is not the same.This may disrupt your layout and cause your page to be cluttered.
1 year ago

7 Best jQuery Plugins For Telephone Numbers

There are a lot of plugins that can be used for handling and manipulating telephone numbers on your site.
1 year ago

10 Best Custom Cursors Made With jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript

Cursors are important parts of any graphical interface (GUI) and play a critical role in the user experience (UX).
1 year ago

10 Best Tooltip Plugins With JavaScript & Pure CSS

Tooltips are common elements of interaction in the desktop world.Their usage has spread to mobile and touch devices as well.
Tooltips usually provide additional information in a non-intrusive manner.
1 year ago

10 Best Signature Pad Plugins In JavaScript

A signature pad is a form on the page which allows users to sign or draw something.It is a very useful and popular way for people to interact and express themselves.
1 year ago

10 Best Online Calculator Apps In JavaScript

Calculator is a must-have tool for all users, even if you know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide digits.
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