Iranian-linked election interference operation shows signs of recent accessThe Iranian hacking effort targeting Trump's campaign suggests ongoing election interference.
Krebs: Iranian outreach to Biden campaign was 'late breaking' news to U.S. govIranian hackers recently targeted both Trump and Biden's campaigns, revealing a sophisticated hack-and-leak operation that U.S. authorities only recently discovered.
Accused Iranian hackers successfully peddle stolen Trump emailsThe Iranian hacking group succeeded in distributing Trump campaign emails through a Democratic operative after initial efforts failed with mainstream media.
Iranian-linked election interference operation shows signs of recent accessThe Iranian hacking effort targeting Trump's campaign suggests ongoing election interference.
Krebs: Iranian outreach to Biden campaign was 'late breaking' news to U.S. govIranian hackers recently targeted both Trump and Biden's campaigns, revealing a sophisticated hack-and-leak operation that U.S. authorities only recently discovered.
Accused Iranian hackers successfully peddle stolen Trump emailsThe Iranian hacking group succeeded in distributing Trump campaign emails through a Democratic operative after initial efforts failed with mainstream media.
Meta blocked an Iranian hacking network posing as tech support from Microsoft and GoogleIranian hackers targeted WhatsApp accounts of Biden and Trump staff, reflecting serious cyber threats to U.S. elections.