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LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Jest adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Jest is a popular JavaScript testing library for unit and integration testing in frontend and backend projects.
Jest provides rich features like mocking, assertion, code coverage, and support for various JavaScript frameworks. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

WebApplicationFactory in ASP.NET Core: Practical Tips for C# Developers

Using WebApplicationFactory in ASP.NET Core provides a simplified way to set up and execute integration and unit tests for ASP.NET Core applications.
WebApplicationFactory creates an in-memory TestServer instance of the web application being tested, providing an environment to test HTTP requests and responses. [ more ]
2 months ago

Hubber Codespace Improves Inner-Loop Testing at GitHub

Integration testing challenges in a distributed system led GitHub's DX team to create Hubber Codespace (HCS).
HCS brings the GitHub ecosystem to developers, enabling faster code testing with a local integrated environment. [ more ]
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