Two girls fell in love at a camp for troubled teens' and made an audacious escape. Their captors weren't far behindThe Re-Creation Retreat employs strict control and behavior-based levels for girls, impacting their individuality and communication.
Sundance 2025: Life After, Sugar Babies, Seeds | Festivals & Awards | Roger EbertSundance showcases powerful documentaries that facilitate important discussions on autonomy, disability justice, and environmental care, exemplified by Davenport's 'Life After'.
More complicated than we think': the untold story of LGBTQ+ rights in the American RevolutionThe American Revolution included significant LGBTQ+ narratives, exemplified by Robert Newburgh's court case, illuminating the complexity of individual rights during this period.
A Nation of Individuals?The notion of the sovereign individual challenges the very foundation of the nation-state, as established by America's founders.
Idaho health district abandons COVID shots amid flood of anti-vaccine nonsenseThe debate over COVID-19 vaccinations reflects broader concerns about individual rights versus public health policy.Idaho's vaccination coverage is critically low, presenting significant public health challenges.
Conclusion To Series On Rights - emptywheelGreene critiques the courts for prioritizing rules over rights, advocating for a holistic approach to rights claims in judicial decisions.
The Varieties Of Activist Judges - emptywheelThe Warren Court's decisions aimed to expand democracy and protect individual rights, which conservatives opposed due to disrupting the status quo of suppressing marginalized groups.
Conclusion To Series On Rights - emptywheelGreene critiques the courts for prioritizing rules over rights, advocating for a holistic approach to rights claims in judicial decisions.
The Varieties Of Activist Judges - emptywheelThe Warren Court's decisions aimed to expand democracy and protect individual rights, which conservatives opposed due to disrupting the status quo of suppressing marginalized groups.
John Stuart Mill's Three Steps to HappinessJohn Stuart Mill influenced classical liberalism, emphasizing individual rights and the search for true happiness beyond worldly ambitions.
Charting The Justices' Decisions Cutting Across Ideological LinesSupreme Court decisions often rely on coalitions for support.Cases involving individual rights often divide the Court along ideological lines.
Joe Biden Calls Out Samuel Alito's Upside-Down Flag-Flying Shenanigans During Campaign EventThe potential appointment of two more Supreme Court nominees by the next president could significantly impact individual rights.