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Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion (DEI) In Learning And Development

Embedding DEI principles in L&D enhances workplace equity and employee engagement, driving innovation and improved organizational outcomes.

Creating A Safe Space For Education-Focused Communities Online

Creating safe online spaces is essential for effective online education.

Global Coaches: Navigating Cultural Differences In Strategic eLearning

Coaches can benefit from incorporating a global perspective in their practice using strategic eLearning.
eLearning can help coaches create an inclusive learning environment and bridge cultural gaps in coaching relationships.

'A beautiful way of saying a lot': sign language brings benefits to the organic chemistry classroom

Developing clear signs for organic chemistry terms can benefit Deaf students and those with non-conventional learning needs.
Using sign language in science education can enhance the learning experience for Deaf students and improve academic performance.

Adobe Captivate V12.2 (latest one), Can a YouTube video have subtitles - eLearning

Adobe Captivate latest version lacks option for subtitles in inserted YouTube videos.
User seeks help in adding subtitles for students with hearing difficulties.

Op-Ed | Education that lifts up all of our students | amNewYork

Investing in upstream solutions in education for better outcomes, new math curriculum (NYC Solves), and a Division of Inclusive and Accessible Learning (DIAL) created.

Turning the DIAL': Adams admin announces educational programs targeting students with disabilities, low math scores | amNewYork

The NYC Department of Education is launching initiatives to support students with disabilities, multilanguage learners, and to improve math proficiency in public schools.
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