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1 month ago

As a stunt performer, I lived on the edge of danger but I had to step back from the precipice | Janine Parkinson

Facing impostor syndrome despite stardom and success in one field can lead to self-doubt and challenges in transitioning to another. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
4 months ago
Graphic design

"I'm more valuable than just my paintings" - pro artists share how to overcome imposter syndrome

Self-doubt and self-criticism are common in the creative industries, often leading to feelings of being an impostor or fraud.
Comparing one's own work to others is a major trigger for feelings of inadequacy, but it's important to remember that our value goes beyond our artistic output. [ more ]
4 months ago

SF filmmaker's egg-freezing sojourn becomes her new movie

Leah McKendrick discusses her struggle to embrace the positive reaction to her film Scrambled
She experienced a difficult transition in processing the audience's reactions and receiving positive feedback [ more ]
4 months ago

3 red flags you're being gaslit at work

1. Impostor syndrome is a common experience in the workplace, but not all negative experiences are a result of it.
2. Gaslighting can occur in the workplace, where one is made to doubt their abilities and achievements. [ more ]
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