Alzheimer's Treatment May Lie in the Brain's Own Cleanup Crew - News CenterThe study suggests enhancing brain immune cells is a promising alternative to removing amyloid beta plaques in Alzheimer's treatment.
Mitochondria Support Immune Response to Central Nervous System Injuries - News CenterMitochondria not crucial for immune cell proliferation in CNS, but vital for response to demyelinating injuries.
Alzheimer's Treatment May Lie in the Brain's Own Cleanup Crew - News CenterThe study suggests enhancing brain immune cells is a promising alternative to removing amyloid beta plaques in Alzheimer's treatment.
Mitochondria Support Immune Response to Central Nervous System Injuries - News CenterMitochondria not crucial for immune cell proliferation in CNS, but vital for response to demyelinating injuries.
Human organoids with an autologous tissue-resident immune compartment - NatureOrganoids are crucial in modeling human physiology but lack key immune system components vital for comprehensive disease study.
Fixing key flaw in revolutionary cancer treatment - Harvard GazetteResearchers boosted CAR T-cell therapy for prolonged effectiveness.
Your nose has its own army of immune cells - here's how it protects youDetailed profile of immune cells in the upper airway aids in nasal vaccine improvement.
What Is "Iron Therapy"? A Potential New Approach To Tackling AsthmaBlocking iron uptake in immune cells may ease asthma symptoms by reducing inflammation, as iron is crucial for immune cells to function properly.
This kids' brain cancer is incurable - but immune therapy holds promiseCAR-T therapy shows promise in treating deadly brain tumors in children.