'Damaged' Louis Vuitton bags and power cut-offs: Tenants and landlord ordered to pay each other thousands after disputeTenants are awarded damages after illegal eviction, despite owing money to the landlord.
Landlord Marc Godart pays tenants 10k compensation over illegal eviction ahead of court hearingThree tenants received compensation after a two-year legal battle against illegal eviction by landlord Marc Godart.
'Damaged' Louis Vuitton bags and power cut-offs: Tenants and landlord ordered to pay each other thousands after disputeTenants are awarded damages after illegal eviction, despite owing money to the landlord.
Landlord Marc Godart pays tenants 10k compensation over illegal eviction ahead of court hearingThree tenants received compensation after a two-year legal battle against illegal eviction by landlord Marc Godart.
'I found it very stressful' - pregnant woman forced into homeless accommodation after landlord illegally evicted herA young mother was awarded €4,500 after her landlord disconnected her utilities, leading to her illegal eviction and homelessness during pregnancy.
Housing association sublet flat while tenant was stranded abroad'A man was illegally evicted from his home while stranded abroad due to Covid.The housing association allegedly sublet the property to a staff member's boyfriend and forged emails to make it seem like the tenant had voluntarily ended his tenancy.