"At One Point, I Wished I Would Miscarry": An Extreme Kind of Morning Sickness Can Make Pregnancy UnbearableHyperemesis gravidarum is a severe pregnancy condition which can persist throughout pregnancy, severely impacting physical and mental health.
I woke from a coma to find my baby had been bornAtlanta McIntyre experienced severe pregnancy sickness and woke from an induced coma to discover her baby was born by caesarean section.
"At One Point, I Wished I Would Miscarry": An Extreme Kind of Morning Sickness Can Make Pregnancy UnbearableHyperemesis gravidarum is a severe pregnancy condition which can persist throughout pregnancy, severely impacting physical and mental health.
I woke from a coma to find my baby had been bornAtlanta McIntyre experienced severe pregnancy sickness and woke from an induced coma to discover her baby was born by caesarean section.
Marlena FejzoHyperemesis gravidarum (HG) affects 2% of pregnancies causing severe symptoms; genetic research found GDF15 hormone levels variation as a potential cause, leading to treatment hopes.