Birth control for birds? Toronto is betting on it with new feeder to control pigeon population | CBC NewsToronto utilizes feeders with bird birth control to manage pigeon population humanely.
How do you put pigeons on the pill? Scientists test contraceptives to curb pest numbersInnovative methods using contraceptives in wildlife control aim to provide more humane and effective solutions for managing populations of invasive and pest species.
Birth Control For Rats: NYC's Plan To Combat Pests Gets ApprovedNYC's rat birth control plan, starting in 2025, aims to address the city's massive rat population humanely and effectively.
How do you put pigeons on the pill? Scientists test contraceptives to curb pest numbersInnovative methods using contraceptives in wildlife control aim to provide more humane and effective solutions for managing populations of invasive and pest species.
Birth Control For Rats: NYC's Plan To Combat Pests Gets ApprovedNYC's rat birth control plan, starting in 2025, aims to address the city's massive rat population humanely and effectively.