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3 months ago
Graphic design

Juxtapoz Magazine - New Book: "Art is Art: Collaborating with Neurodiverse Artists at Creativity Explored"

Creative expression is a human right
Artistic showcase featuring neurodiverse artists [ more ]
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Genocide in Gaza: The context

The media has played a role in enabling genocide in the Gaza Strip.
The news coverage has been criticized for what it is missing and how it has contributed to the crimes against Palestinians. [ more ]
5 months ago
World news

The Morning Risk Report: Thermo Fisher Says It Has Halted Sales of DNA Technology in Tibet

Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced that it will no longer sell certain DNA-based human-identification products in Tibet, following a similar halt of sales in China's Xinjiang region.
The decision comes after pressure from human-rights groups, who allege that the technology can be misused by local police forces in these regions. [ more ]
5 months ago

There's a Better Way to Mine for Electric Vehicle Batteries

Brine mining, which is used to extract lithium for electric vehicle batteries, has the potential to exacerbate drought conditions and harm local wildlife.
Mining for critical minerals like cobalt and nickel also raises environmental justice concerns and can have negative impacts on human rights and local communities. [ more ]
Towleroad Gay News
5 months ago

Burundi's President Says Gay People Should Be Stoned - Towleroad Gay News

President of Burundi calls for stoning of gay people
Crackdown on LGBT rights in Burundi [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

UK has failed to act to free Alaa Abd el-Fattah from jail in Egypt, family says

The family of imprisoned activist Alaa Abd el-Fattah claims that the British government has failed to secure his release.
Abd el-Fattah, who became a British citizen, has been incarcerated in Egypt for his activism and received a five-year sentence for spreading false news. [ more ]
6 months ago
New York City

Six New Yorkers Who Made the City a Better, Cooler, Fairer Place in 2023

Year-end lists are entirely subjective, often maddening and frequently inexplicable.
6 months ago
Europe news

Russian poet sentenced to 7 years in prison for anti-war verses

19,847 people in Russia have been detained for speaking out against the war
A poet named Artyom Kamardin received a 7-year prison sentence for reciting anti-war verses [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

UN expert expresses concern as Russian opposition leader Navalny disappears in prison system

Concerns rise over Alexei Navalny's whereabouts as he remains missing in Russia's prison system
Navalny's team believes he is deliberately being hidden due to his role as Putin's fiercest opponent [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Russian poet sentenced to 7 years in prison for anti-war verses

19,847 people in Russia have been detained for speaking out against the war
A poet named Artyom Kamardin received a 7-year prison sentence for reciting anti-war verses [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

UN expert expresses concern as Russian opposition leader Navalny disappears in prison system

Concerns rise over Alexei Navalny's whereabouts as he remains missing in Russia's prison system
Navalny's team believes he is deliberately being hidden due to his role as Putin's fiercest opponent [ more ]
6 months ago
Black Lives Matter

End unlawful killings' in occupied West Bank, UN tells Israel

The United Nations has called on Israel to end unlawful killings and settler violence in the occupied West Bank.
The report details a sharp increase in air strikes and military incursions into refugee camps, resulting in deaths, injuries, and damage to civilian infrastructure. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Two Russians Get Prison Terms For Reciting Poems Against Russia's War On Ukraine

The leader of the Free Belarus Foundation had his home searched by police in Belarus.
The Foundation is involved in assisting Ukrainian armed forces and defending the rights of Belarusian citizens in Ukraine. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Eighth Journalist Arrested In Azerbaijan Amid Media Crackdown

The leader of the Free Belarus Foundation had his home searched by police in Belarus.
The Foundation is involved in assisting Ukrainian armed forces and defending the rights of Belarusian citizens in Ukraine. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Two Russians Get Prison Terms For Reciting Poems Against Russia's War On Ukraine

The leader of the Free Belarus Foundation had his home searched by police in Belarus.
The Foundation is involved in assisting Ukrainian armed forces and defending the rights of Belarusian citizens in Ukraine. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Eighth Journalist Arrested In Azerbaijan Amid Media Crackdown

The leader of the Free Belarus Foundation had his home searched by police in Belarus.
The Foundation is involved in assisting Ukrainian armed forces and defending the rights of Belarusian citizens in Ukraine. [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

GOP Congressman Traveled to Uganda to Give Speech Praising Anti-LGBTQ Death Penalty Law

The GOP lawmaker urged Ugandan leaders to "stand firm" against international opposition and condemnation of the law.
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago
Social justice

2023 in review: A look at immigration and the city's migrant crisis through Tribune op-eds

Texas Gov. Greg Abbot began busing migrants to Chicago long before Mayor Brandon Johnson was sworn into office.
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Gaza Is Set To Torpedo Joe Biden's Claim To A Human Rights Legacy

Visiting the State Department 10 days after his inauguration, President Joe Biden said his foreign policy would prioritize an approach to diplomacy defined by: "defending freedom, championing opportunity, upholding universal rights, respecting the rule of law, and treating every person with dignity."
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