Whale songs follow the laws of human languagesHumpback whale songs are complex and share characteristics with human language, reflecting cultural exchange between distant populations.
Human gene variant alters the voices of miceThe human variant of the NOVA1 gene alters mouse vocalizations, hinting at its role in speech evolution.
Whale songs follow the laws of human languagesHumpback whale songs are complex and share characteristics with human language, reflecting cultural exchange between distant populations.
Human gene variant alters the voices of miceThe human variant of the NOVA1 gene alters mouse vocalizations, hinting at its role in speech evolution.
What's your mathematical style?Mathematics is a human language with unique idiosyncrasies, blending the universal with the personal.
Why Humans Have Thousands of Tools and Other Animals Do NotSome animals display elements of culture through communication and tool use, but significant differences exist compared to humans.