London ebike fire: landlords of grossly overcrowded' flat fined almost 100,000Landlords fined for overcrowding and safety breaches after a fire killed a resident, revealing severe legal violations.
Man fined for housing 18 people in three-bed houseA north London landlord was fined £37,000 for illegally operating overcrowded bedsits without a license.
London ebike fire: landlords of grossly overcrowded' flat fined almost 100,000Landlords fined for overcrowding and safety breaches after a fire killed a resident, revealing severe legal violations.
Man fined for housing 18 people in three-bed houseA north London landlord was fined £37,000 for illegally operating overcrowded bedsits without a license.
Pushed to the brink, New Yorkers threaten rent strike against unresponsive landlordTenants at 2500 Bedford Ave. in Brooklyn threaten a rent strike against their landlord due to ongoing hazardous living conditions.
Tenants continue protest against landlord for being deprived of heat, hot water and healthTenants on 23rd St. are protesting against their landlord's negligence regarding heat and water, amid harassment and lease renewal issues.
Pushed to the brink, New Yorkers threaten rent strike against unresponsive landlordTenants at 2500 Bedford Ave. in Brooklyn threaten a rent strike against their landlord due to ongoing hazardous living conditions.
Tenants continue protest against landlord for being deprived of heat, hot water and healthTenants on 23rd St. are protesting against their landlord's negligence regarding heat and water, amid harassment and lease renewal issues.
Worst landlords in NYC had thousands of violations in2024: Public AdvocateNYC's worst landlords have multiple violations, including heat and hot water outages, impacting thousands of tenants during freezing temperatures.
Public Advocate Jumaane Williams Unveils 2024 List of Worst LandlordsNYC's Public Advocate unveiled the 2024 list of worst landlords, citing multiple tenant violations, particularly regarding heating during cold months.
Worst landlords in NYC had thousands of violations in2024: Public AdvocateNYC's worst landlords have multiple violations, including heat and hot water outages, impacting thousands of tenants during freezing temperatures.
Public Advocate Jumaane Williams Unveils 2024 List of Worst LandlordsNYC's Public Advocate unveiled the 2024 list of worst landlords, citing multiple tenant violations, particularly regarding heating during cold months.
Brooklyn tenants to receive $2.9 million in settlement with notorious landlord over hazardous conditions * Brooklyn PaperTenants of Lilmor Management will receive $2.9 million due to severe housing code violations and poor living conditions.Over 30,000 violations documented, impacting thousands of tenants' health and safety.
Tenants Win $2.9 Million in Settlement With Midwood LandlordTenants in Brooklyn won $2.9 million in restitution due to extensive housing violations including lead hazards and mold.
NYC's 'worst landlord' agrees to historic $6.5 million settlement over thousands of violationsLilmor Management to pay $6.5 million for significant housing violations impacting tenants' health, particularly children with lead poisoning.
Housing Violations in NYC Jumped 24% This Year. We Mapped Them By Neighborhood.Housing code violations in NYC increased 24% in fiscal year 2024, highlighting systemic challenges in addressing urgent repairs and holding landlords accountable.
Brooklyn tenants to receive $2.9 million in settlement with notorious landlord over hazardous conditions * Brooklyn PaperTenants of Lilmor Management will receive $2.9 million due to severe housing code violations and poor living conditions.Over 30,000 violations documented, impacting thousands of tenants' health and safety.
Tenants Win $2.9 Million in Settlement With Midwood LandlordTenants in Brooklyn won $2.9 million in restitution due to extensive housing violations including lead hazards and mold.
NYC's 'worst landlord' agrees to historic $6.5 million settlement over thousands of violationsLilmor Management to pay $6.5 million for significant housing violations impacting tenants' health, particularly children with lead poisoning.
Housing Violations in NYC Jumped 24% This Year. We Mapped Them By Neighborhood.Housing code violations in NYC increased 24% in fiscal year 2024, highlighting systemic challenges in addressing urgent repairs and holding landlords accountable.