Wandsworth told it must fix 'serious failings' in council housingWandsworth Council is facing significant fire safety and property condition issues, as highlighted by a report from the Government's Regulator of Social Housing.
Eric Pickles urged to quit as Tory peer over Grenfell inquiry criticismEric Pickles is under pressure to resign due to criticisms in the Grenfell inquiry, which highlighted failures in fire safety regulation.
'Unsafe cladding at block of flats must be fixed,' owners toldCamden Council mandates the fixing of unsafe cladding and fire safety issues at Princes Park Apartments to enhance resident safety.
Wandsworth told it must fix 'serious failings' in council housingWandsworth Council is facing significant fire safety and property condition issues, as highlighted by a report from the Government's Regulator of Social Housing.
Eric Pickles urged to quit as Tory peer over Grenfell inquiry criticismEric Pickles is under pressure to resign due to criticisms in the Grenfell inquiry, which highlighted failures in fire safety regulation.
'Unsafe cladding at block of flats must be fixed,' owners toldCamden Council mandates the fixing of unsafe cladding and fire safety issues at Princes Park Apartments to enhance resident safety.
What homeowners and landlords need to do to meet new EPC standards by 2030New regulations will require all rental properties in the UK to meet a minimum Energy Performance Certificate rating of C by 2030.
French Phrase of the Day: Passoire thermiqueUne passoire thermique refers to poorly insulated buildings, affecting energy efficiency and living conditions.Energy audits and ratings dictate legal rental and selling conditions for such properties.
What homeowners and landlords need to do to meet new EPC standards by 2030New regulations will require all rental properties in the UK to meet a minimum Energy Performance Certificate rating of C by 2030.
French Phrase of the Day: Passoire thermiqueUne passoire thermique refers to poorly insulated buildings, affecting energy efficiency and living conditions.Energy audits and ratings dictate legal rental and selling conditions for such properties.
Do I Have to Tell My Landlord About the Guest Staying With Me?Rent-stabilized tenants can have guests temporarily, typically for less than 30 days, without needing to declare them as roommates.
How Alameda County supervisors could overhaul rental protections this yearThe Board of Supervisors plans to improve tenant protections for renters in unincorporated Alameda County, addressing long-standing issues of uninhabitable living conditions.
Do I Have to Tell My Landlord About the Guest Staying With Me?Rent-stabilized tenants can have guests temporarily, typically for less than 30 days, without needing to declare them as roommates.
How Alameda County supervisors could overhaul rental protections this yearThe Board of Supervisors plans to improve tenant protections for renters in unincorporated Alameda County, addressing long-standing issues of uninhabitable living conditions.
SJC: MBTA Communities Act is legal, but 'presently unenforceable'The SJC ruled that the MBTA Communities Act is constitutional but criticized the enforcement process as currently ineffective.
Marc Duchen readies to take his place on the dais for District 10 - Austin MonitorMarc Duchen aims to reinstate development regulations to protect wildland-urban interface areas and address tree loss from redevelopment.
Tipperary pensioner fears he will be sent to prison after losing appeal to keep log-cabin homeSean Meehan fears imprisonment after planning application for his log cabin was denied, despite significant legal investment.
PODCAST: What next as France enters the unknown after government collapseFrance is experiencing political turmoil following the downfall of Michel Barnier's government, leading to discussions about its implications.
San Jose mobile home park residents face illegal rent increases - San Jose SpotlightSan Jose is investigating illegal rent increases at a mobile home park, challenging claims of exemption by Harmony Communities.
Unison argues in court that its equity sharing agreement is not a reverse mortgageEquity sharing agreements may be legally classified as reverse mortgages under Washington state law, challenging claims that they are not debt-based.
E-bike fire survivors sue battery manufacturerSurvivors of a fatal e-bike fire in London are suing the manufacturer and landlords, marking a potential landmark case in UK law.
Emotional support and service pets: Fair and affordable for who?Landlords and housing authorities face significant fines for denying emotional support animals, emphasizing the need for better support systems for compliance.
London council launches door-to-door patrols targeting dodgy landlordsBrent Council is actively enforcing rental property licensing to combat rogue landlords and ensure tenant safety.
Airbnb asks NYC to reconsider regulations on short-term rentals By ReutersAirbnb urges NYC to reconsider stringent short-term rental regulations that harm travelers and have no significant impact on the housing crisis.
One Year After Strict Airbnb Regulations Were Enacted, New York Housing Is Still a MessAirbnb argues New York's short-term rental law hasn't effectively reduced rent or increased housing availability, contrary to its original intentions.
Airbnb asks NYC to reconsider regulations on short-term rentals By ReutersAirbnb urges NYC to reconsider stringent short-term rental regulations that harm travelers and have no significant impact on the housing crisis.
One Year After Strict Airbnb Regulations Were Enacted, New York Housing Is Still a MessAirbnb argues New York's short-term rental law hasn't effectively reduced rent or increased housing availability, contrary to its original intentions.
Planning authority says extension to Sutton home built without permission is 'not exempt'Unauthorized extensions can lead to community disputes and regulatory challenges.Planning authorities play a crucial role in enforcing development regulations to maintain neighborhood integrity.
Landlords Register Tens of Thousands More Rent-Regulated Apartments Under Threat of FinesThe state law has led to a sharp rise in compliance for registering rent-stabilized apartments due to new hefty penalties.
Austin cuts minimum lot size by more than a third, requiring less land to build a home - Austin MonitorMore homes, less lawn.