15,000 renters could lose homes before no fault eviction ban comes into forceThe Independent aims to provide accessible journalism on critical issues, including tenant rights and evictions during legislative changes.
LA landlords are price gouging to take advantage of the wildfires, says 'Selling Sunset' star Jason OppenheimLandlords in Los Angeles are accused of illegal rent increases amid a state of emergency due to wildfires, violating California's price gouging laws.
State sues Southern California city that's banned new homeless sheltersCalifornia sued Norwalk for its moratorium on homeless shelters, claiming it violates housing laws and discriminates against vulnerable residents.
California city sued over 'unlawful ban on new housing'California has filed a lawsuit against Norwalk for blocking housing projects and violating state housing laws.
California city sued over unlawful ban on new housing'California has sued Norwalk for blocking homeless shelters, citing violations of multiple housing laws.
California Homelessness Funds Come With a Catch: Cities Must Follow Housing Laws | KQEDGov. Newsom ties homeless encampment funding to cities' compliance with housing laws, aiming to address California's ongoing homelessness crisis.
Controversial California Law Meant to Spur New Housing Could Get More Teeth | KQEDDevelopers are increasingly using the builder's remedy due to new housing laws to spur construction.At least 93 builder's remedy projects with 17,000 potential new homes have been proposed in California in the last two years.
Newsom calls for increased oversight of local homelessness effortsNewsom is pushing for increased oversight of cities and counties to address homelessness effectively in California.
State sues Southern California city that's banned new homeless sheltersCalifornia sued Norwalk for its moratorium on homeless shelters, claiming it violates housing laws and discriminates against vulnerable residents.
California city sued over 'unlawful ban on new housing'California has filed a lawsuit against Norwalk for blocking housing projects and violating state housing laws.
California city sued over unlawful ban on new housing'California has sued Norwalk for blocking homeless shelters, citing violations of multiple housing laws.
California Homelessness Funds Come With a Catch: Cities Must Follow Housing Laws | KQEDGov. Newsom ties homeless encampment funding to cities' compliance with housing laws, aiming to address California's ongoing homelessness crisis.
Controversial California Law Meant to Spur New Housing Could Get More Teeth | KQEDDevelopers are increasingly using the builder's remedy due to new housing laws to spur construction.At least 93 builder's remedy projects with 17,000 potential new homes have been proposed in California in the last two years.
Newsom calls for increased oversight of local homelessness effortsNewsom is pushing for increased oversight of cities and counties to address homelessness effectively in California.
'Greedy' posh NYC school director, husband evicted for writing off rent-stabilized Tribeca padThe Dalton School admissions director and her husband are evicted for misusing a rent-stabilized apartment as a business address rather than a primary residence.
Judge orders Huntington Beach to update housing plan in 12 monthsHuntington Beach must develop over 13,000 homes by 2030 under state mandate.
Squatter sublets NYC apartment while owing 'betrayed' landlord $72K in rentA squatter avoided paying rent for 3 years, making $72,000, then sublet the unit for profit, exploiting landlord and loopholes in housing laws.
What's News, Breaking: Wednesday, April 3, 2024New drug Zevtera approved by FDA to treat certain staph infections.Elected officials aim to address the issue of squatters invading and vandalizing buildings.