Warning to landlords as one in four flats in borough revealed as short-term letsLocal authorities are enforcing planning laws to manage the rise of short-term rentals like AirBnB in response to housing shortages.
We could fill 10 more: East Hampton transfers land for affordable housingEast Hampton is beginning to tackle its housing affordability crisis by planning 50 new affordable units, with the goal of improving access for local residents.
Residential deals drive Measure ULA revenues, report findsMeasure ULA predominantly generates revenue from high-value residential sales, supporting housing initiatives in Los Angeles.
Warning to landlords as one in four flats in borough revealed as short-term letsLocal authorities are enforcing planning laws to manage the rise of short-term rentals like AirBnB in response to housing shortages.
We could fill 10 more: East Hampton transfers land for affordable housingEast Hampton is beginning to tackle its housing affordability crisis by planning 50 new affordable units, with the goal of improving access for local residents.
Residential deals drive Measure ULA revenues, report findsMeasure ULA predominantly generates revenue from high-value residential sales, supporting housing initiatives in Los Angeles.
San Jose needs plan for protecting renters, audit finds - San Jose SpotlightSan Jose's tenant protection policy lacks enforcement mechanisms against unlawful evictions by landlords.
City Council Brings Back Security at 55 NYCHA Senior Complexes in NYCCity Council restored funding for NYCHA security guards at senior buildings, prioritizing resident safety after previous budget cuts.
A 'Yelp' For NYCHA Repairs? Audit Calls For More Oversight and Resident Feedback on VendorsNYCHA lacks efficient oversight of repair services, with inadequate tools leading to incomplete repair jobs and tenant dissatisfaction.
More Than 10,000 Public Housing Apartments Abated for Lead, NYCHA SaysNYCHA has completed abatement work in over 10,000 apartments as part of its commitment to lead-free housing.
City Council Brings Back Security at 55 NYCHA Senior Complexes in NYCCity Council restored funding for NYCHA security guards at senior buildings, prioritizing resident safety after previous budget cuts.
A 'Yelp' For NYCHA Repairs? Audit Calls For More Oversight and Resident Feedback on VendorsNYCHA lacks efficient oversight of repair services, with inadequate tools leading to incomplete repair jobs and tenant dissatisfaction.
More Than 10,000 Public Housing Apartments Abated for Lead, NYCHA SaysNYCHA has completed abatement work in over 10,000 apartments as part of its commitment to lead-free housing.
Hialeah poised to nominate placeholder as a council member for Calvo's vacant seatJuan Junco is considered the likely candidate for Hialeah's interim council member following the resignation of Bryan Calvo.
S.F. Housing Authority moves to replace troubled firm managing public housingEugene Burger Management Corporation faces potential removal from managing San Francisco's public housing due to ongoing controversies and mismanagement.
Potrero Hill public housing management firm keeps failing city scorecards, documents showEugene Burger Management consistently fails to meet public housing standards in San Francisco, prompting calls for its removal and highlighting significant tenant concerns.
Fire strikes Potrero Hill public housing complexThe fire in a vacant building highlights ongoing management issues at the Potrero Hill complex.
S.F. Housing Authority moves to replace troubled firm managing public housingEugene Burger Management Corporation faces potential removal from managing San Francisco's public housing due to ongoing controversies and mismanagement.
Potrero Hill public housing management firm keeps failing city scorecards, documents showEugene Burger Management consistently fails to meet public housing standards in San Francisco, prompting calls for its removal and highlighting significant tenant concerns.
Fire strikes Potrero Hill public housing complexThe fire in a vacant building highlights ongoing management issues at the Potrero Hill complex.
L.A. mayor demands more testing after lead is found in Watts drinking waterLead-tainted water found in Watts raises health concerns for residents; Mayor calls for further testing and action from housing and water authorities.
The feds want to study giving cash to renters. Will Californians be included?HUD is considering giving cash directly to renters to cut down red tape and empower tenants.HUD's pilot programs may inspire national change in how subsidies are implemented.