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2 weeks ago

Stranded in the ER, seniors await hospital care and suffer avoidable harm

Older adults often face prolonged ER stays, known as ER boarding, due to staff shortages and lack of hospital beds. [ more ]
4 months ago

Europe prepares for a 'tridemic' of respiratory diseases DW 01/11/2024

Europe is experiencing a surge in respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, flu, and RSV. Spain and Italy are particularly impacted, with shortages of hospital beds and overflowing healthcare facilities. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reports increasing rates of influenza-like respiratory illness across most European countries. [ more ]
5 months ago
Public health

Why a growing number of Victorians are using hospital bed brokers' to access inpatient mental health care

A brokerage service called Bed Brokers is helping people secure mental health beds in private hospitals amidst a shortage of inpatient beds in the public system.
The demand for mental health referrals to Bed Brokers has been increasing due to a shortage of inpatient mental health beds in the public system. [ more ]
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