'Rings Of Power' Is Finally Filling Its Biggest Blind SpotThe introduction of Stoors in The Rings of Power expands the Hobbit narrative and offers deeper cultural insights for Nori and Poppy.
Tales Of The Shire Has A Long Ways To Go If It Wants To Be PreciousThe greatest being in Middle-earth is a hobbit; 'Tales of the Shire' aims to deliver that experience but needs significant improvements.
Meet our TINY ancient cousins! Species in Indonesia was 3.2ft tallAncient relatives were 6cm smaller than previously believed and the discovery may settle the origins of an ancient species in Indonesia.
Fossil hints even smaller hobbits' roamed IndonesiaAncestors of the Hobbits were even shorter than previously thought, dating back 700,000 years.
Meet our TINY ancient cousins! Species in Indonesia was 3.2ft tallAncient relatives were 6cm smaller than previously believed and the discovery may settle the origins of an ancient species in Indonesia.
Fossil hints even smaller hobbits' roamed IndonesiaAncestors of the Hobbits were even shorter than previously thought, dating back 700,000 years.
Scientists Find Arm Bone of Ancient Hobbit' HumanHomo floresiensis, or 'hobbits', were even smaller than previously thought with a minuscule brain size.There is a division among scientists on how to classify Homo floresiensis within the human family tree.