Developing a former summer camp proves to be more than a seasonal project - Austin MonitorEfforts to redevelop a former ranch and summer camp in Northwest Austin face delays from the Historic Landmark Commission.
Landmark commission embraces green initiatives - Austin MonitorHistoric Landmark Commission recommends sustainability-focused preservation policies.Initiatives include incentives for material salvaging and relocation practices.
Historic east side home may not get the votes needed to preserve it - Austin MonitorCity Council did not reach the required number of votes to zone Sinnigson House as historic due to owner's disagreement.
Landmark commission embraces green initiatives - Austin MonitorHistoric Landmark Commission recommends sustainability-focused preservation policies.Initiatives include incentives for material salvaging and relocation practices.
Historic east side home may not get the votes needed to preserve it - Austin MonitorCity Council did not reach the required number of votes to zone Sinnigson House as historic due to owner's disagreement.
Condemned homes get a stay of demolition at landmark commission - Austin MonitorHistoric Landmark Commission delays demolishing historic East Austin homes due to architectural significance and historical associations.