Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno is making a new Gundam anime,Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX features unique storytelling by key anime creators, focusing on a high-school student in a new Gundam universe.
Pokemon and Neon Genesis Evangelion fans should be very excited for the just announced new Gundam seriesThe new Gundam series features a star-studded team from Evangelion and Pokemon, promising an exciting narrative and character design.
The new Gundam anime looks great and sounds like it was named by a cat on a keyboardMobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX is a new series co-created by notable studios and talents, promising a unique story and aesthetics.
Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno is making a new Gundam anime,Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX features unique storytelling by key anime creators, focusing on a high-school student in a new Gundam universe.
Pokemon and Neon Genesis Evangelion fans should be very excited for the just announced new Gundam seriesThe new Gundam series features a star-studded team from Evangelion and Pokemon, promising an exciting narrative and character design.
The new Gundam anime looks great and sounds like it was named by a cat on a keyboardMobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX is a new series co-created by notable studios and talents, promising a unique story and aesthetics.