Ancient Viruses Left Their DNA In Humans - And They Could Help Trigger These Common Diseases8% of human DNA is ancient viral sequences, some impacting psychiatric disorders, challenging previous views of 'junk DNA'. HERVs regulate gene expression and produce functional molecules.
People with ancient viruses in their DNA are more prone to depressionAncient viruses (HERVs) in human DNA linked to psychiatric disorders like depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder may offer new insights and potential treatments.
Ancient Viruses Left Their DNA In Humans - And They Could Help Trigger These Common Diseases8% of human DNA is ancient viral sequences, some impacting psychiatric disorders, challenging previous views of 'junk DNA'. HERVs regulate gene expression and produce functional molecules.
People with ancient viruses in their DNA are more prone to depressionAncient viruses (HERVs) in human DNA linked to psychiatric disorders like depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder may offer new insights and potential treatments.