Rachael Blackmore: 'I want to dedicate this to my cousin Robert Blackmore who passed away at the weekend. His funeral is today'Rachael Blackmore dedicated her first win at this year's festival to her late cousin, Robert Blackmore.
Rachael Blackmore: 'I want to dedicate this to my cousin Robert who passed away at the weekend. His funeral is today'Blackmore's first win of the festival is dedicated to her late cousin Robert Blackmore.
Rachael Blackmore: 'I want to dedicate this to my cousin Robert Blackmore who passed away at the weekend. His funeral is today'Rachael Blackmore dedicated her first win at this year's festival to her late cousin, Robert Blackmore.
Rachael Blackmore: 'I want to dedicate this to my cousin Robert who passed away at the weekend. His funeral is today'Blackmore's first win of the festival is dedicated to her late cousin Robert Blackmore.