How to eat carbs without spiking your blood sugar, according to a nutrition researcherPairing carbs with protein, fat, and fiber promotes stable blood sugar levels.Eating slowly and early helps prevent blood sugar spikes.Healthy habits like sufficient sleep support blood sugar balance.
A majority of parents become their kids' personal chef: pollThree in five parents cater to picky eaters, potentially hindering healthy habits. Parents should lead by example for balanced meals.
How to eat carbs without spiking your blood sugar, according to a nutrition researcherPairing carbs with protein, fat, and fiber promotes stable blood sugar levels.Eating slowly and early helps prevent blood sugar spikes.Healthy habits like sufficient sleep support blood sugar balance.
A majority of parents become their kids' personal chef: pollThree in five parents cater to picky eaters, potentially hindering healthy habits. Parents should lead by example for balanced meals.
Junk food is promoted online to appeal to kids and target young men, our study showsUnhealthy food and drink ads on Facebook in Australia target parents, children, and young men, supporting calls for banning junk food advertising online.