#healthcare equity

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3 days ago

Celebrities join campaigners in call for cheaper version of gamechanger' HIV drug for poorer countries

Urgency to make HIV medicine accessible globally highlighted by former leaders, celebrities, and Nobel Prize-winning scientist. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ritchie Torres is working hard to make sure another mpox outbreak doesn't ruin Hot Gay Summer 2024

Rep. Ritchie Torres is introducing legislation to improve HHS response to health emergencies following the mpox outbreak, focusing on internal and external analysis and culturally sensitive communication strategies. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

To close racial gap in maternal health, some states take aim at implicit bias'

Black pregnant patients face dismissal and bias in healthcare, leading to dangerous consequences. [ more ]
6 months ago
Public health

Dr. Paula Johnson Is Breaking Down the Barriers to Better Health

It is important to have women on both sides of the science in medicine.
Women in medical research and public health fields have unique insights and ideas that should not be discounted.
Dr. Johnson advocates for policy changes that increase equity for women in healthcare and has been successful in effecting change. [ more ]
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