Half-Life Actor Stirs Up Half-Life 3 Rumors With Cryptic New Year's MessageThere is renewed hope for Half-Life 3 after cryptic messages and reports suggest possible play testing, fueling excitement among long-time fans.
Mysterious "Black Mesa" website says it's "not secretly working on Half Life 3"The update of BlackMesa.com reignited speculation about Half-Life 3, but it is actually a legitimate business.Fans were misled by the site's cryptic messages and countdown, mistaking them for ARG hints.
'Half-Life 3': Release Date, Development Status, Leaks and RumorsHalf-Life 3 remains unconfirmed by Valve, but speculation suggests it may still be in development.
Half-Life Actor Stirs Up Half-Life 3 Rumors With Cryptic New Year's MessageThere is renewed hope for Half-Life 3 after cryptic messages and reports suggest possible play testing, fueling excitement among long-time fans.
Mysterious "Black Mesa" website says it's "not secretly working on Half Life 3"The update of BlackMesa.com reignited speculation about Half-Life 3, but it is actually a legitimate business.Fans were misled by the site's cryptic messages and countdown, mistaking them for ARG hints.
'Half-Life 3': Release Date, Development Status, Leaks and RumorsHalf-Life 3 remains unconfirmed by Valve, but speculation suggests it may still be in development.