#gun shop

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7 months ago
US politics

Why are more Asian Americans buying guns? DW 11/15/2023

Asian Americans saw a 43% rise in gun ownership between 2019 and 2020, spurred by the COVID-19 outbreak and rising levels of violence and hate crimes.
David Liu runs a discreet gun shop in Arcadia, CA, catering to Asian American customers who come for training and protection.
Gun ownership among Asian Americans is on the rise due to concerns over safety and a stereotype of keeping large amounts of cash on hand. [ more ]
7 months ago
US politics

Why are more Asian-Americans taking up firearms? DW 11/14/2023

There has been a rise in Asian-American gun ownership, with a 43% increase between 2019 and 2020.
Asian-Americans are increasingly concerned about violence and hate crimes, which have risen over 330% between 2020 and 2021.
Chinese people in the LA area are sometimes targeted for robberies and home burglaries due to a stereotype of keeping large amounts of cash on hand. [ more ]
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