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Kansas City Star
4 months ago
NYC politics

New York City mayor hits Texas governor over his 'mean-spiritedness' on immigrant crisis

New York City Mayor Eric Adams criticizes Texas Governor Gregg Abbott for his handling of the immigrant crisis and accuses him of intentionally causing people to leave the city.
Adams is taking legal action against charter companies and seeking $70 million to cover the cost of caring for migrants.
Abbott has been busing migrants to cities led by Democrats and has criticized the Biden administration's handling of the border. [ more ]
4 months ago
NYC politics

Abbott: NYC Mayor Should Sue Biden, Not Bus Companies

Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott suggests that New York City Mayor Eric Adams should sue the Biden administration for the influx of migrants instead of suing bus companies.
Abbott claims that Adams' lawsuit against the bus companies is legally baseless, as the migrants are already authorized to be in the United States. [ more ]
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