How To Pick The Right Salad Dressing For Your Greens - Tasting TableChoosing the right dressing enhances the flavor and texture of different types of salad greens.
Germany snap elections expected for February DW 11/12/2024The traffic light coalition in Germany symbolizes both a shift in political power and the challenges of uniting diverse party ideologies.Significant ideological differences within the coalition raise questions about its ability to govern effectively and manage pressing national issues.
Green Party promise to hire 'Loo Czar' and London Toilet Commission in mayoral electionThe Greens see improving public toilet provision as a key factor in winning votes in the City Hall race.
Sadiq Khan fears change to voting system could bring London Tory mayorSadiq Khan appeals for support from Liberal Democrats and Greens due to changes in voting system.London mayoral election under first-past-the-post system, no second preference vote this year.
Green Party promise to hire 'Loo Czar' and London Toilet Commission in mayoral electionThe Greens see improving public toilet provision as a key factor in winning votes in the City Hall race.
Sadiq Khan fears change to voting system could bring London Tory mayorSadiq Khan appeals for support from Liberal Democrats and Greens due to changes in voting system.London mayoral election under first-past-the-post system, no second preference vote this year.
Nigel Slater's recipe for burrata with tomatoes, basil and greensUse a basil dressing to enhance greens and tomatoes for a flavorful salad.Experiment with different greens like broccoli or mustard greens for variety in the dish.
KEY STATS: Who are the winners and losers of Sweden's EU election?The Social Democrats saw a minor improvement in the EU election, the Greens were the surprise stars, and the Sweden Democrats faced losses.