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3 months ago
Public health

Thousands of Striking Doctors in South Korea Defy Government's Return-to-Work Deadline

South Korean doctors continue strike despite ultimatum and legal threats
Protesting doctors against government plan to increase medical student quota [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Shapps insists Tories' plan starting to work' as poll suggests election defeat

Grant Shapps insists the government's plan is starting to work despite predictions of a large election defeat.
A YouGov survey suggests that Rishi Sunak's Tories could hold as few as 169 seats, while Labour could take 385 seats under Keir Starmer. [ more ]
5 months ago
Germany politics

German farmers arrive in Berlin for protest DW 01/08/2024

Farmers are protesting against Germany's government plans to cut agricultural subsidies.
Traffic disruptions are expected in various parts of the country due to the demonstrations. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Information Commissioner questions DWP plan to monitor bank accounts of benefit claimants | Computer Weekly

The data protection regulator has raised concerns about the government's plans to monitor the bank accounts of people claiming benefits.
The regulator questions whether the proposed powers are proportionate and if there are appropriate safeguards in place. [ more ]
6 months ago
France news

Forget the French system the NHS is fairer | Letters

The NHS is funded through general taxation to provide a health service that is fit for purpose.
Starving the NHS of vital funds is part of a plan to introduce a fully private health system. [ more ]
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