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2 months ago
UK news

Thousands dying every year over government failure to insulate homes, Greenpeace says

Thousands of people dying yearly due to lack of home insulation since 2013.
Urgent need for government to invest 6 billion annually to address national scandal. [ more ]
3 months ago

Most schools in England facing real-terms cuts since 2010 thanks to Tories, analysis shows

Three-quarters of schools in England facing funding cuts since 2010.
$12.2bn investment needed to reverse cuts in English state-funded schools. [ more ]
4 months ago

Britain has suffered terribly under these Tories, especially our children. The only word for it is neglect | Keir Starmer

The mental health of young people is a serious cause for concern, with many children waiting for mental health treatment.
The number of children admitted to the hospital with an eating disorder has increased by 90% in the past five years. [ more ]
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