Opinion | This New Year, Resolve to Green Up Your News FeedThe recent global election supercycle sidelined climate issues in favor of more pressing political matters, despite heightened public concern for the environment.
Growth of women in power around world stalls despite year of landmark moments'The growth in female political representation has stagnated globally, despite significant elections and the participation of billions.
History has never ended, but are we at a crossroads again?The triumph of liberal democracy is increasingly questioned as global democratic decline challenges previous optimism.
Democracy at the World's Ballot BoxesThe state of democracy in 2023 shows both vulnerabilities and resilience, with a significant number of elections shaping global democratic health.
Did democracy survive the 2024 global election marathon?In 2024, democracy faced severe challenges, with a large number of elections plagued by disputes and declining public trust in electoral processes.
Global experts look abroad for lessons in super election year | Cornell ChronicleThis year's global elections show a mixed but hopeful trend for democracy, emphasizing citizen organization against autocracy.
History has never ended, but are we at a crossroads again?The triumph of liberal democracy is increasingly questioned as global democratic decline challenges previous optimism.
Democracy at the World's Ballot BoxesThe state of democracy in 2023 shows both vulnerabilities and resilience, with a significant number of elections shaping global democratic health.
Did democracy survive the 2024 global election marathon?In 2024, democracy faced severe challenges, with a large number of elections plagued by disputes and declining public trust in electoral processes.
Global experts look abroad for lessons in super election year | Cornell ChronicleThis year's global elections show a mixed but hopeful trend for democracy, emphasizing citizen organization against autocracy.
Meta says AI-generated content was less than 1 precent of election misinformationAI content constituted less than 1% of election misinformation detected by Meta's fact-checkers during major global elections.
Kamala Harris is just the latest victim of global trend to oust incumbentsGovernments globally are facing unprecedented electoral defeats due to rising inflation and widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo.
Elections increase uncertainty over global economic recovery, says IMFElections worldwide causing economic uncertainty.
Kamala Harris is just the latest victim of global trend to oust incumbentsGovernments globally are facing unprecedented electoral defeats due to rising inflation and widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo.
Elections increase uncertainty over global economic recovery, says IMFElections worldwide causing economic uncertainty.
US elections have never been more secure, says CISA chiefElection infrastructure is more secure than ever, with preparations at an all-time high for the 2024 elections.
The Next Tech Backlash Will Be About HygieneGenerative AI might threaten mental and physical health through social media addiction.AI companies have raised considerable funds and will face scrutiny regarding health impacts and democracy.
These are the major elections NPR correspondents are watchingGlobal elections in 2024 are crucial amidst rising concerns of democratic backsliding and technological influence.
Ballot box binge: Votes loom in coming days from Mongolia to Iran to Britain in a busy election yearNational elections are taking place in more than 50 countries this year, influencing global geopolitics amidst various challenges and issues.