What 2025 Holds for the WorldWe are entering 2025 at a pivotal moment of global change marked by rising populism and the advent of AI-driven productivity.
The Five Best Leadership Summits To Attend In 2025Leaders must attend summits to adapt to rapid change and improve their impact as agents of global change.
Personal, global history made Jeremy Weinstein want to change the world - Harvard GazetteJeremy Weinstein aims to inspire youth to participate in democracy and combat inequality, informed by his experiences in South Africa.
Why collective micro-activism is a powerful force for changeSmall acts of kindness can collectively lead to significant global impacts and counteract feelings of helplessness.
Seven Queer 80s Films to Watch This PrideExploring LGBTQ+ representation in film during the challenging 1980s decade.
Artists For Aid Is Throwing a Benefit Gig for Gaza & SudanSupport Artists For Aid benefit concert to help War Child UK in Gaza and Sudan.