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3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Why Google's 'woke' AI problem won't be an easy fix

Gemini AI tool faced backlash online over inaccurate outputs
Google paused Gemini tool due to controversial responses [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

Google CEO Pichai says Gemini's AI image results "offended our users"

Google CEO Sundar Pichai called Gemini's release unacceptable and pledged to fix it.
Gemini's AI tool created controversial images, prompting accusations of bias and backlash online. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google hopeful of fix for Gemini's historical image diversity issue within weeks | TechCrunch

Google is hoping to resume the depiction of people in its multimodal AI tool Gemini in a few weeks.
The issue with Gemini's image generation feature stemmed from Google applying the diversity feature too broadly across all prompts. [ more ]
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