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Los Angeles Times
1 week ago

'I got a job, I got class': Why Cal State L.A. isn't roiling with protest

Cal State L.A. student protesters demand university to divest from companies supplying weapons to Israel, in solidarity with Gaza. Protest is peaceful compared to other campuses due to smaller size. [ more ]
1 week ago

From Strikes to Encampments, Faculty Join Campus Movement for a Free Palestine

Faculty across the U.S. are supporting students at Gaza solidarity encampments, continuing to push for demands despite police arrests. [ more ]
1 month ago

Gaza Solidarity Encampment opens at UC Riverside; Cal Poly Pomona protest planned

UC Riverside students staged a Gaza Solidarity Encampment demanding divestment from companies profiting off occupation in Palestine. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

UC Berkeley joins nationwide Gaza solidarity encampment protest

Protesters at UC Berkeley demonstrating for Gaza solidarity and calling for divestment from Israel-related corporations. [ more ]
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