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1 month ago
Video games

Baldur's Gate 3's Mysterious Artifact is now a video games controller

Rudeism created a 3D-printed Mysterious Artifact controller for Baldur's Gate 3, a five-month project culminating in a unique and functional Xbox controller. [ more ]
2 months ago

Fallout London Delayed Due To Fallout 4 Update

Fallout London mod delayed due to Fallout 4 update. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Can you beat Dragon's Dogma 2 using only your fists? One unfortunate soul decided to find out

Players can create self-imposed challenges in games like Dragon's Dogma 2, such as completing quests without weapons.
Unique gameplay styles like barehanded combat can add an extra layer of complexity and enjoyment to gaming experiences. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

22 Years Ago, Kingdom Hearts Almost Got Me Grounded For Life

Kingdom Hearts was a challenging game for the author, creating memorable experiences with their sister.
The game was released 22 years ago and posed difficulties due to unfamiliar game mechanics for the author. [ more ]
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